WishPack's Territory-
WishPack lives in a very thickly wooded area of the Eternal Forest. Used to hunting smaller game, they have adapted well to living in the shadows. Sneaky and silent, this pack is known to spy on others, and they are very good at climbing trees. Pack founded by: Wish

WishPack's Camp-
WishPack's camp is in a dense part of the Eternal Forest. They sleep underneath large tree roots, ferns, and even trees, often spending time together racing through the undergrowth. The leader uses a thick, low branch on one end of the camp to stand on and hold meetings.


The Eerie Fields-

This is a spot in WishPack's territory that is wide open and full of tall pale grasses with little white flowers mixed evenly in. The pack likes to come here on bright, clear nights to watch the stars. There is a deep hole in the center of the fields used to keep prisoners in. The only way you can get out is if someone pulls you out. In the distance, you can see the silhouette of MoonPack's mountain. 


The Eternal Forest-

This is the part of the Eternal Forest that WishPack owns. Slightly less dense than camp, it is a great place to find prey. WishPack members hunt here all of the time and defend it fiercely.  

Neutral Territory- 

This is a small island in the center of a large river in the Eternal Forest. The packs have been fighting over this land for years but no one has claimed it yet. Since it is neutral territory you are not allowed to fight here or hunt. If you are caught, you may be punished by whoever catches you.

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