StarPack's Territory-

StarPack lives in some marshlands right next the river that leads to the neutral territory. Their lands are very wet and muddy, but full of waterfowl and fish. They are used to hunting large birds of prey and fish in the river, but don't do very well out in the open like MoonPack, or in the woods like WishPack. This swift and strong pack is known for being the best swimmers. Pack founded by: Star

StarPack's Camp-

StarPack's camp is right next to the river- the only thing that separates the two are some tall cattails. They use mud, bird feathers, and short grasses to make their nests, often spending time together splashing in the water. The leader uses a large rounded rock on one end of the camp to stand on and hold meetings.

The Rolling Hills-

This is a spot on StarPack's territory that consists of nothing but rolling hills and a small stream snaking around them. Like WishPack, StarPack likes to watch the stars, and on a warm night they all like to race for the tallest hill. They keep their prisoners in some catacombs dug into the side of a hill, and to keep them in, they roll a huge boulder in front of the only entrance that the guardian alone in his morphed form can move. The small stream that twists around the hills eventually leads to DreamPack's mountain.

 The Eternal Forest-

This is the part of the Eternal Forest that StarPack owns. It's not very dense, but it is a great place to find prey. StarPack doesn't come here much, since they already have enough prey nearby camp, but they patrol it and defend it.

Neutral Territory-

This is a small island in the center of a large river in the Eternal Forest. The packs have been fighting over this land for years but no one has claimed it yet. Since it is neutral territory you are not allowed to fight here or hunt. If you are caught, you may be punished by whoever catches you. 

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