DreamPack's Territory-
MoonPack lives in a valley that is almost exactly in the center of all of the other packs. Their lands are filled with rich fields full of prey but hardly any forest. They are used to hunting large prey that comes to graze in the tall grasses. This kind-hearted pack is known to be wise and considerate of others. Pack founded by: Moon

DreamPack's Camp-
DreamPack lives at the very top of their mountain, where the winds blow fiercely and the rocks are icy. They sleep on the cold hard earth and line their nests with snow, not minding the coldness or hardness at all. The leader stands on a large frozen stone to hold meetings.

The Cliff-

This is a spot on DreamPack's territory that just drops into a bottomless pit. Many have slipped on some ice and fallen to their deaths on this cliff so don't ever go near the edge unless you can fly. DreamPack don't really have a place to keep their prisoners- so they usually kill them by throwing them off of this very cliff. Nobody knows where the bottom leads to because no one has lived to see it.

The Eternal Forest- 

This is the part of the Eternal Forest that DreamPack owns. There are many coniferous trees and a small meadow in the center. DreamPack's lands aren't very fertile or full of prey, so the starved wild dogs come here more often to hunt than anywhere else on the mountain. Every once in a while they'll run into a wild cat or caribou.

Neutral Territory-

This is a small island in the center of a large river in the Eternal Forest. The packs have been fighting over this land for years but no one has claimed it yet. Since it is neutral territory you are not allowed to fight here or hunt. If you are caught, you may be punished by whoever catches you. DreamPack desperatley wants these lands, since they have no good land.

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