Those that have died-

Amount of dead- 7


Marcus- Breed: Grey Wolf, Gender: Male, Personality/Description: A large, ancient white wolf with a blaze of brown on his muzzle. Marcus is brave and a natural leader, always sticking up for his pack and his beliefs despite opposition from others. He is wise and very kind, some saying that he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. History: He was born and raised in the Pack of Eternal Flame, eventually becoming the leader. During his reign, a massive forest fire wiped out the Eternal Forest, forcing the pack to break up and leave. Marcus's group died of starvation, but when he was able to return to the forest he saw that the rest of the pack had made it. Assuming that everything would go back to how it used to be after the fire, Marcus attempted to re-start the Pack of Eternal Flame, but he was only exiled by the descendants of Moon, Wish, Star and Dream who wanted to hold onto their power. Marcus died a loner on the outskirts of the Eternal Forest, his dream to re-unify his pack unrealized. Family: Unknown, Pack: The Pack of Eternal Flame

Slash- Breed: Grey Wolf, Gender: Male, Personality/Description: A massive black wolf with an old scar going down his side and deep red eyes. Slash is silent and observant. He leads his pack with dignity and power and will never give into anyone. Usually cold-hearted and cruel, Slash shows no mercy for intruders, but he does use good judgment. History: Slash was born in MoonPack a very long time after the packs split up, but his mother always used to tell him stories passed down from generation to generation about the great fire and about the origin of the packs. When he became leader, he swore that he would try his best to unify the Pack of Eternal Flame once more, but never succeeded. He died shortly after falling into depression when his mate Sira dissapeared. Family: Mate: Sira (whereabouts unknown), Pups: Rowan, Marron (whereabouts unknown), Pack: MoonPack

Moon- Breed: Australian Cattle Dog, Gender: Female, Personality/Description: A medium sized white dog with flecks and blotches of black and gray in her fur and dark amber eyes. She is very intelligent and brave, often becoming bossy and aggressive if not listened to. Despite her need to be in control however, Moon is actually a very kind-hearted dog. History: Moon was born on a farm but was never really attached to any humans. She came and left whenever she felt like it and only returned for a quick meal a couple of times a day. One day she got lost in the Eternal Forest when she ran off to chase a rabbit. She had never been this deep in the forest before and did not know her way home. Stumbling across the Pack of Eternal Flame, she was warmly welcomed by Marcus, and soon became an active member of her new pack. When a massive forest fire swept through the forest Moon was a beta, and Marcus assigned her to lead a group down into the valley. She was the first leader of MoonPack. Family: Unknown, Pack: MoonPack

Wish- Breed: Italian Greyhound, Gender: Female, Personality/Description: A medium sized white and tan greyhound with a thin frame and dark black eyes. Wish is very light on her paws and a very fast runner. She is shy and observant, but don't let that fool you. When pushed too far, Wish will not hesitate to take a bite out of you. History: Wish was actually born in the Pack of Eternal Flame which was strange back then since dogs were not very welcome in the mostly wolf pack. However, she made it to beta and eventually the first leader of WishPack, when she had to lead a decent sized part of the pack during the fire. Family: Unknown, Pack: WishPack

Star- Breed: Border Collie, Gender: Male, Personality/Description: A medium sized border collie with a long coat and green eyes. Star is very friendly and lovable, often making people laugh. He loves the water and thinks pups are adorable. Overall a happy-go-lucky guy, Star is an easy-going leader. History: Star was found abandoned in the Eternal Forest as a pup, and was taken in by a kindly she-wolf in the Pack of Eternal Flame. Proving to be a great pack-mate with courage and strength, he was made a beta. Star was one of the betas that lead a group out near the marshlands during the fire, becoming the first leader of StarPack. Family: Unknown, Pack: StarPack

Dream- Breed: Pitbull, Gender: Female, Personality/Description: A large light brown she-dog with white going down her muzzle and chest. She is pure muscle with light blue eyes and a heart full of anger. Dream is hard, cold, and doesn't ever let anybody in. She is very aggressive and will easily attack someone without thinking. History: Dream unfortunately was raised by a dog-fighter who taught her nothing but violence and aggression since her pup-hood. When he was busted by the cops, Dream went to a shelter where humans attempted to make her an "ideal" family dog. But Dream had had it with humans, she knew that they only meant trouble. And so, she escaped without ever looking back again. Ending up in the Eternal Forest, Dream was a little wary of joining the Pack of Eternal Flame since she hated crowds and she saw everyone there as someone that she should be defending herself against. But she was hungry and lonely, so she had no choice. Amazingly, Marcus took a liking to her and made her beta. After the fire, she became the first ever leader of DreamPack, but died at a young age due to the fact that she wasn't built to live in the cold bitterness of the mountains. Family: Unknown, Pack: DreamPack




Head Elite Guards-

Elite Guards-

Head Fighters-







Amethyst- Breed: Border Collie/German Shepherd/Grey Wolf mix, Gender: Female, Personality/Description: Amethyst is a beautiful female with the shape and body of a border collie, with dark brown eyes and a cold expression. She is light brown with white on her chest, snout, and belly and has a long bushy tail which she gets from her wolf ancestry. She is nicer than the rest of her litter, but don't be fooled too much by her acts of kindness. Underneath her friendly exterior, sometimes Amethyst can display the temper of her parents. She was raised by Rowan and doesn't know that her real parents are Mable and Apocalyps. Amethyst was killed by Brook trying to protect Rowan from Apocalyps. Family: Mother: Mable, Father: Apocalyps, Siblings: Mirage, Hiyai, Alpha, Buzzard, Pack: MoonPack


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