How To Roleplay~

Why do I have this page? Well, some people are new to roleplaying and sort of need it soooo... here it is. All of my wisdom in a few paragraphs.

What is roleplaying? Well on this site (and most roleplaying sites), roleplaying is pretending to be one character or more on the computer. For example, I roleplay Rowan, Apocalyps, Buzzard, Amethyst and a few others on this site. You control the character's actions, feelings, and thoughts.

There are many different ways to roleplay, the two we will discuss are the most popular:

1. Using stars **

2. Writing in paragraph form

When you use stars, everything your character does goes in between *stars*. To some, this is the "easy" way to roleplay.

When you roleplay in paragraph form you write out the roleplay as if it were a book, a story, with everything your character says being in "quotes". This is the professional way to roleplay, and it can be as long as a few sentences to a whole paragraph or even more.

On this site, I recommend you roleplay in paragraph form. Why? Well, let's look at some examples of each type of roleplaying.

1. *pads into camp* Watsup? *picks up rabbit walks away*

2. Rowan padded into the moonlit camp, the pale light reflecting off of her dark fur, making her look like a glowing phantom in the shadows. She padded over to the prey pile, her stomach rumbling, and picked up a fresh rabbit from the top. She padded to her nest with her dinner dangling from her jaws.

Honestly, which one looks better? No doubt, the second one does. I know that it's a little harder to do it this way but it's just so much more professional and makes things a whole lot easier for others to understand. Nobody likes a lazy person, and you'll see just how much more people respect you when you look like you know what you're doing.

One really important thing that some people don't seem to get, is that when you aren't speaking or typing in roleplay, for example if you say that you have to go (gtg), you are supposed to type it in parenthesis. This is VERY IMPORTANT so that everyone can tell that you aren't trying to roleplay. It makes things a WHOLE lot less confusing. Here is a bad and good example:

Bad- Rowan yawned. Hey guys I have to go... cya tomorrow!

Good- Rowan yawned. (hey guys I have to go, cya tomorrow!)

See? It's not so hard to just add a few parenthesis, and people wont get frustrated with you for confusing them.

Another VERY important thing is correct spelling and grammar. I'm not asking for perfection, everyone makes mistakes, but we should all know how to capitalize a sentence right? And we all know how to use periods at the end of a sentence right? Unfortunately some people don't seem to get it. DON'T be one of those. This also makes roleplaying very confusing. Again, let's look at some examples:

Bad- apocalyps flew into a tree"ouch"he growled

Good- Apocalyps flew into a tree. "Ouch" he growled.

Once again, the last one was easier to read and understand.

Well that's pretty much it. Those are the basics anyway. Believe me, things are so much more interesting and fun when you actually roleplay correctly (and people wont ignore you). :D

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