Stories And History 

Marcus's story- (explanation on what happened to the Pack of Eternal Flame):

Ever since the fire nothing has been the same. We were one pack, one family. But that all changed when we split into five groups during the inferno- one led by me, Marcus, and my four betas Moon, Star, Dream and Wish. I hoped that at least one of my betas could have led their group to safety so that our pack could live on. My intentions were not to break us apart forever... but I wasn't expecting generations to pass before we were finally able to return home. My former pack members had grown quite used to being in their groups, and showed no desire to become one again. They became the four packs that are known today to share our Eternal Forest, turning their backs on the fact that we are all one family and that we belong together. My pack has done wrong, but what could I do, when most of the pack members in my group died of starvation and I was left alone to defend our unity? To make matters worse, I was not accepted as sole leader of the pack once more. I had become old, and the descendants of my loyal betas wanted to keep their power, so they selfishly held onto their leadership. I was expelled from the Eternal Forest. Never to see the loved ones I have led for so long ever again. I only hope that they will one day realize that we are one, not four packs. Will there ever be one that will unify the packs once more? This is my last wish, as I lay here an abandoned and despised loner, dying of old age. -Marcus

History on guardians:

Nobody really knows what exactly guardians are. They aren't normal wolves and yet... they are. They're not supposed to exist, not here in the Eternal Forest anyway. It was all an accident... a mere coincidence that all began with one wolf...

Mord (one of the most famous figures in the history of the Eternal Forest) was a German Shepherd/Wolf hybrid who came from a faraway land to escape from an unspeakable evil that was after her... bringing "the gift" with her. Nobody new that Mord was not normal, that she could morph into a gigantic winged beast whenever she chose, nobody knew, that is, until the day when she confessed to the Pack of Eternal Flame about it. However, instead of kicking her out, the pack saw this as a major advantage. Mord was a secret weapon in battle. So they decided to let her stay. In time, Mord's long lost mate showed up in the Eternal Forest looking for her along with three other friends: Chaos, Crush, and Miki... friends who also had "the gift." Combined, these were the four first guardians of the Eternal Forest, and all guardians are descended from them.

History on Mord:

The Eternal Forest has many famous figures in its history. Mord, Silverbolt, Chaos, Crush, Miki, Frostbite, Candela, Badger, and Shadow are among the most famous. This is Mord's story:

Mord was a golden Wolf/German Shepherd hybrid with icy blue eyes that was born into a normal life in an unnamed forest to parents that she never met. On the fateful day that she was born, it was storming horribly, and a bolt of lightning struck the tree her parents were under, making the inflamed giant fall over them and bury them in ashes. Mord would have gotten killed just like her parents, except she happened to be in the right spot at the right time when the tree fell- the branches missing her by inches. Badger, a black and white wolf with yellow eyes from a nearby pack, rescued her and took her home to his own mate who was also nursing a new litter of pups. (it is unknown whether Badger set up the tree falling to purposely take Mord from her parents... perhaps we will never know).

Mord grew up in DreadPack (Badger's pack), with Silverbolt and Shadow (Badger's pups) and was trained since pup-hood to become an assassin. Badger was an evil blood-thirsty brute who saw Mord's potential. He shaped her already ill-tempered character to one that was completely evil, heartless, merciless and cruel. She killed without feeling any remorse, and did everything Badger commanded her to do... until the day she finally snapped.

Badger's father Jai was alpha of DreadPack at the time, and when the heartless son turned against his father and exiled Jai, Mord was enraged when Badger did not make her beta as he had promised, choosing instead his daughter Shadow. After a failed attempt to rebel, Mord decided to simply leave and never return. Never again would she give her soul away to another wolf, it didn't matter if he had saved her life or not. She came to LostPack, where she kept her rank as assassin, but she was a little bit more conscious of her evil deeds. Mord erased that part of her life from her memory, completely forgetting all of her childhood.

One day things changed for the worse when Silverbolt showed up in LostPack after wandering in the woods. He did not recognize Mord and she didn't either... so, they became good friends not having any idea that they had grown up together. Frostbite, leader of LostPack, was jealous of Mord spending so much time with Silverbolt, and made Mord's life a living hell. The two she-wolves quickly became enemies.

Shadow, the evil beta of DreadPack, had not forgotten about Mord all of these years. She had used her brother Silverbolt as bait to find her (by knocking him out, erasing his memory, and brain-washing him into finding LostPack). Once she was sure Silverbolt had found her (by this time the two were mates), she tracked him down and introduced herself to Mord... making her remember all of the pain she had suffered in her pup-hood. Shadow became a threat to Mord and Silverbolt (and eventually all of LostPack), as she tried to pry them away from LostPack and take them back "home" where "they belonged". She also attempted to split up the couple, never realizing that their unity would make them so strong against her. Shadow almost succeeded at one point, making Mord so depressed that she jumped off of a cliff and nearly killed herself, and then she took the opportunity of Mord's near death to erase Silverbolt's memory once more with one hard hit to the head.

But beside these hardships, Mord's life was about to become A LOT worse on the day Frostbite died. Mord's life seemed to be coming back together. She had healed, Silverbolt had once again remembered her and they were living happily ever after... until the day that Mord found Frostbite dying from a wound caused by a caribou when she went hunting in the forest. There was nothing Mord could do, so she watched hopelessly as her enemy yet friend at the same time died before her eyes. Before dying, Frostbite told Mord about a secret prophecy that she had been saving for this moment:

2 will seek help in the hands of power,

Step by step the closer they come their way will quickly narrow,

Only one will arrive as the other fails,

A powerful gift will be given,

And a new leader will be admitted,

Strength and power will fall into their hands,

As their fate will be transmitted.

And that was the prophecy that REALLY changed Mord's life forever. Never mind what the prophecy meant, Mord and Silverbolt went out together to look for this "help in the hands of power" and found it in a cave... a twisted she-wolf named Candela, the creator of "the gift", leader of DarkPack (a pack of super powerful wolves a.k.a. guardians). Mord arrived in the cave first, making her the winner of the "contest", the one that would receive the gift... more like the curse. Candela bit Mord and transformed her into one of her own, a guardian, a monster, but not quite as powerful as Candela herself. Mord did not have the power to transform others, and she was not as strong as the creator. But she still had a mind of her own. When Candela (along with Frostbite who was now a guardian herself thanks to the creator of the gift), went off to LostPack to kill the current leader Jay and take over the forest, Mord found herself not being able to stop her, and so, just like during her younger years, she ran away, this time to a pack called Windrunners.

Silverbolt followed Mord as usual, and the two began to rebuild their lives in the Windrunner pack, attempting to forget about Candela.

(to be continued... it's too long to write it all out right now lol)

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