Join Here!!! Now!!
Could you be the one that will re-unite the Pack of Eternal Flame? Will you save the packs from exterminating each other as tensions grow among them? There's only one way to find out.

They're Counting On You.

Site Rules:
You MUST read the site rules before joining!

1. No powerplaying/godmoding/immortality. This can mean the following things: playing another person's character without permission, being indestructible, having super powers, automatically knowing the plot before it even happens, ect. Please don't be one of those people that makes themselves the hero all of the time. I'm the only one that can do that. :)

2. No cursing or sexual content, and NO DETAIL MATING. Really, I shouldn't have to put that up but some people are just so messed up.

3. Be active at LEAST once every three or four days and you may roleplay as many characters as you want. The more active you are, the more fun this is!

4. Don't post excessively in the shoutboxes if it's not related to roleplay. That makes people have to go back a million pages to see what happened last in the roleplay and it's really annoying. If you want to chat, there are places I have provided for that very purpose.

^my face if you don't read the rules^

To join you must post the following:
Things with a * next to them ARE MANDATORY
*1. Name

*2. Gender

*3. Breed (you can join as anything in the dog family, ex: Grey wolf, Side Striped Jackal, Golden Jackal, Coyote, Black Backed Jackal, Maned Wolf, Dhole, African Wild Dog, Dingo, and any breed of house dog including small dogs)

*4. Personality/Description

5. History

6. Family

*7. Pack (MoonPack, StarPack, WishPack, DreamPack)

*8. Rank (look at a members page for more info, and see below for ranks that are open!)

9. Your picture (you can give me more than one picture if you want, it looks really cool if you see the members pages)

Ranks that are open:

MoonPack: 4 betas, 2 healers, 5 elite guards, 1 head fighter, fighters, learners, maidens, prisoners, pups, mothers, assassins

WishPack: 4 betas, 2 healers, 1 head elite guard, 5 elite guards, 1 head fighter, fighters, learners, maidens, prisoners, pups, mothers, assassins

StarPack: 3 betas, 3 healers, 1 head elite guard, 5 elite guards, fighters, learners, maidens, prisoners, pups, mothers, assassins

DreamPack: 4 betas, 3 healers, 1 head elite guard, 5 elite guards, 1 head fighter, fighters, learners, maidens, prisoners, pups, mothers, assassins

The Outcasts: Outcasts


Notice: Your picture may not show up in the shoutbox. If you have any problems getting your picture up, e-mail it to me at:

Don't forget to post ALL of the required things when you join!!!!!

Thankya Very Mucho

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