The Outcasts's Territory-

The Outcasts have been exiled from the Eternal Forest, therefore, they are not allowed to be anywhere near the other packs. They live on the outskirts of the forest, a territory that consists of one large desert with an oasis at its center. The oasis is a very beautiful spot, perhaps even more beautiful than the Eternal Forest, but it's hard to survive since there is nothing but desert for miles around. If prey runs out... there will be nowhere for the outcasts to go.

The Outcasts's Oasis-

There is an oasis at the center of the desert where the outcasts typically gather or live. Some outcasts claim a part of the oasis for themselves or for their family while others form their own little packs and still others choose to roam around. The oasis is a beautiful place, full of plants and trees and much life. This is probably the best place there is for prey.

 The Waterfall-

The main source of water in the oasis. The outcasts like to come here to cool off on a hot summer day, and, in the freezing winters, they hide in the cave that hides behind the waterfall. Everyone comes here to have a good time and to play.

 The Village Ruins-

This is a very ancient village that was destroyed a long time ago. The only memories left from this old village are a few stone walls that haven't yet crumbled away with age and erosion. The outcasts come out here to sunbathe and relax. Some have fun exploring through the falling buildings, playing a game with their life as the heavy stone can come down upon their heads at any moment.

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