The Code of Honor

1. Protect the pups at all costs. Harming or killing pups (even if they are from another pack) will result in the highest punishment.

2. Obey all ranks above you. Disrespect to higher ranks will result in punishment and loss of privileges.

3. It is forbidden to become friends with a member of another pack. Be loyal to your own pack and your own pack ONLY. View all outsiders as enemies.

4. It is dishonorable to attack someone and to kill them without warning.

5. A guardian cannot become leader out of fear that he/she might go mad with power.

6. An Assassin may not share secret information with anyone but his leader.

7. Eat, breath, sleep, LIVE for the pack.

8. Guardians may not morph unless it's totally necessary.

9. Do not hunt or trespass in another pack's territory.

10. The leader, guardian, betas, mothers, and pups always eat first. The rest must wait their turn.

11. A pup may not become a learner until he is at least two months old.

12. Mark your territory and patrol it daily, otherwise another pack may not be held responsible for trespassing.

13. The leader's command is law.

Herbs and Sicknesses

Commonly Used Herbs

1. Borage:

a. Increases a mother's supply of milk

b. Brings down fever

2. Burdock Root:

a. Cures rat bites.

b. Dig up the root, wash off the dirt,   chew into a pulp.

3. Catmint/Catnip:

a. Best remedy for Greencough

b. Hard to find in the wild

4. Celandine:

a. Soothes blind eyes

5. Chervil:

a. Leaves used for infections

b. Roots help with belly aches

6. Cobwebs:

a. It's basically like a band-aid

b. Wrap around the wound or press to injury  to stop bleeding

c. Keeps wounds clean

7. Coltsfoot:

a. Leaves should be chewed and eaten

b. Helps shortness of breath

8. Comfrey:

a. Used to mend broken bones

b. Roots used to soothe wounds

9. Dock:

a. Soothes scratches

10. Dried Oak Leaves:

a. Collect them in winter and store them in a dry place

b. Stops infections

11. Feverfiew:

a. Brings down body temperature

12. Goldenrod:

a. Poultice is perfect for healing wounds

13. Honey:

a. Great for soothing infections

b. Helps soothe throat when you have inhaled something like for example, smoke.

14. Horsetail:

a. Leaves can be used to treat infected wounds.

15. Juniper Berries:

a. Soothes belly aches

b. Helps with breathing problems

16. Lavender:

a. Cures fever

b. Stem used to cure someone in shock

17. Marigold:

a. Apply to wounds, preferably with Goldenrod

b. Stops infections

18. Mouse Bile:

a. Dab a SMALL amount on a tick to make it fall off

b. Wash paws in running water afterwards

c. DO NOT EAT! Preferably carry it in a leaf

19. Poppy Seed:

a. Helps induce sleep

b. Helps those who are suffering from shock or distress

c. Not recommended for nursing mothers

20. Stinging Nettle:

a. Seeds help those who have swallowed poison

b. Leaves help bring down swelling

21. Tansy:

a. Good for coughs

b. Take in small doses

22. Thyme:

a. Used to calm anxiety and frayed nerves

23. Watermint:

a. Chew into a pulp

b. Feed to someone suffering from bellyache

24. Wild Garlic:

a. Roll in a patch to prevent infection, especially from dangerous wounds like rat bites.


1. Whitecough:

A cough that includes a high fever. It turns into Greencough and it's NOT LETHAL. It's caught in the winter and occasionally in wet weather. Cure: Catmint/Catnip

2. Greencough:

A cough that includes a high fever. It develops from Whitecough and and turns into Blackcough. CAN be lethal. It's caught in the winter. Cure: Catmint/Catnip, Chickweed

3. Blackcough:

A cough that includes a sky-high fever. It develops from Greencough and it IS LETHAL if not treated soon enough! Cure: Chickweed

4. Chill:

Includes a cough, runny nose, and fever (like a cold). Cure: Tansy (for the cough), Feverfiew (for the fever), Lavender

5. Ear Mites:

Small black bugs crawling around in ears. Causes severe itching, and it's NOT LETHAL unless the victim has a severe allergic reaction. Cure: Snapdragon Seeds (eat them, this is only a last resort), Mouse Bile, Garlic

6. Pink Eye:

A crust forms around the eye and there's lots of swelling. The eyes becomes blood-shot. It's NOT LETHAL. Cure: Broken Rosemary Blossoms, Celandine (to soothe the eye), Chrysanthemum flowers, Cornflower (afterwards)

7. Rabies:

Includes a fever, dizziness, and a foaming mouth. Once the symptoms start it's too late for the victim. You can only get it from another Rabid animal and it's spread through saliva. LETHAL! Cure: Deathberries (to put them out of their misery)

8. Lyme's Disease:

A severe pain throughout the body, it includes a fever. It's spread by mosquitoes and ticks. LETHAL! Cure: Feverfiew (to soothe the fever), Poppy Seeds (for the pain), but you WILL eventually die since this disease is untreatable. You could use Deathberries to put the victim out of his/her misery

9. Scarlet Fever:

A severe fever that only pups can get. You get it in the winter from the cold. Cure: Feverfiew, Coltsfoot

10. Neetle:

A high fever and lots of throwing up. You can get it any time of the year. Cure: Feverfiew and Borage (for the fever), other than that just let it be, it will go away eventually


Arnica Flowers (when swallowed)

Calamus Root (when swallowed)




Ragwort (if it's completley by itself)

Traveling Herbs

Ragwort and Lamb's Ear Combination

Poppy Seeds (to dull hunger and pain in paws)

Tansy Leaves (to dull hunger)

Crushed Lotus Roots (keeps you awake, it's an energizer)

Skullcap Seeds (gives strength, a steroid)

Winter Savory (for fighting thirst)

Witch Hazel (used to increase energy levels, an energizer)

Poultices and Combinations

1. Ragwort Leaves (chewed to a pulp), Juniper Berries, Comfrey (chewed), Daisy Leaves (chewed):

Apply leaves to an injured joint or bone. Eat the berries, helps aching joints and broken bones.

2. Yarrow Leaves, Ragwort, Ivy, Sage Roots:

Put all of those leaves around a hurt paw and swathe it with cobwebs. It's good for cut pads. (it's also called Ointment of Yarrow, and you can sometimes add Sage Roots to the mixture).

3. Huckleberry, Goldenrod:

Feed to someone with muscle pains.

4. Ragwort, Lamb's Ear:

Good for strength.

5. Culver's Root, Feverfiew:

Feed to someone directly after swimming or falling in cold water in the winter or something similar.

6. Goldenseal Room, Myrrh:

Used for mild bacterial and fungal infections, scratches or bites, and cracked pads. Chew into a poultice and apply with Cobwebs or Dock Leaves.

7. Goldenrod Poultice:

Helps wounds that aren't very bad. It's made out of Goldenrod, Marigold, and Cobwebs, but other herbs can be added too.

8. Broom Poultice:

It helps broken bones. It's made of Broom, Comfrey, and Cobwebs. Set the bone with a stick beforehand, unless it's shattered ribs.

9. Broom Malice Poultice:

It helps bad wounds. It's made of Broom Malice, Marigold, Goldenrod, Dock Leaves, Chervil Leaves, and Cobwebs.

10. Birthing Poultice:

Feed to a mother as she's giving birth. It's made of Borage Leaves, crushed Iris Petals, Narcissus flower petals, and Thyme.

Other Herbs

1. Adder Barrack:

a. For toothaches

2. Alder Bark:

a. For toothaches

3. Alfalfa:

a. For tooth decay

b. Chew and swallow

4. Aloe Vera:

a. Treats burns and skin problems

b. Chew then spit on the wound


5. Angelica Root:

a. Treats swollen gums

b. Expels swallowed poisons

6. Anise Seed:

a. Relieves congestion from a cold, the flu, allergies, ect.

b. Relieves coughs

c. Helps get rid of hiccups

7. Arnica Flower:

a. Chew then apply to treat sprains, bruises, and muscle pains

b. Poisonous if swallowed

c. Not recommended for the pregnant or nursing

d. Do NOT apply to broken skin

8. Artichoke Leaves:

a. Helps stomach pains and indigestion

9. Astragalus Root:

a. Used to help treat digestive problems

b. Take after eating and wait 12 hours before eating anything after

10. Barberry Root Bark:

a. Used to help calm the heart

b. Treats inflamation around the eyes, ears, nose, and sinuses

c. Be cautious when using on the pregnant or nursing

11. Barley Grass:

a. Treats malnutrition

12. Basil Leaves:

a. Treats ear infections

b. Helps strengthen immune system when weakened because of stress

13. Bayberry Root:

a. Treats gum, throat, and mouth imflammation

b. Induces cough to relieve phlegm. (boogers and loogies in other words)

c. DO NOT use on the pregnant, but it's ok on the nursing

14. Birch Bark:

a. Antibacterial

b. Antiviral

c. Anti-inflammatory

d. Used to treat skin problems like rashes

e. SMALL amounts can be swallowed to help joint pain

15. Black Seeds:

a. Can be used to treat many stomach pains and many other internal diseases.

b. Increases a mother's milk supply, but DO NOT use on the pregnant

16. Blackberry Leaf:

a. Used to treat sore throats

17. Blessed Thistle:

a. Increases blood circulation

18. Blood Root:

a. Used to clean teeth, but must be spit out immediatley afterwards

b. Do not swallow

c. Use not recommended on nursing mothers

19. Blue Violet Leaf:

a. Treats Asthma and Coughs

b. For best results use with Ginger

20. Broken Rosemary Blossoms:

a. Heals eye infections and covers wounds on or around the eye

21. Calamus Roots:

a. Applied externally to help with joint pains

b. Deadly when swallowed

22. Calendula Flowers:

a. Used to treat mild infections and stops infections from entering a wound.

b. For best results use on smaller wounds

23. Caraway Seed:

a. Used to stimulate the appetite

b. Treats stomach cramps

c. Store away from light, moisture, and heat

24. Cedar Berry:

a. Treats cough

b. Treats Fever

c. Treats Toothache

d. Treats joint pains

e. Treats malnutrition

f. Can cause stomach pains in the pregnant or nursing

25. Cedar Leaf Tips:

a. Treats fevers

b. Treats colds

c. Treats coughs

d. Treats head pains

e. Helps swelling, bruises, and joint pains

f. DO NOT eat while pregnant or nursing

26. Chamomile:

a. Helps fatigue and depression

b. Soothes the heart

c. Calms you down

27. Chewed Gumweed:

a. Seals an herb to stop infection

28. Chickweed:

a. Cures Greencough and sometimes Blackcough

29. Chrysanthemum Flowers:

a. Treats dizziness, and blurred vision

b. Treats dry red eyes

c. Treats escessive tearing or spots in vision

d. Can also help headaches

e. Chew and eat 

30. Cloves:

a. Treats toothache but can cause bad breath

b. When swallowed helps stomach pains

31. Coriander Seeds:

a. Treats upper abdomen pains such as cramps

32. Cornflower:

a. Used as an eyewash

33. Crushed Iris Petals:

a. Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process

b. Also used to soothe a pup's throat

34. Crushed Marigold Petals:

a. Fights infection

b. DO NOT use around eyes

35. Crushed Pawpaw roots:

a. Used for pup cough which only threatens pups during the winter

36. Crushed Rose Thorns:

a. Used to seal a wound

37. Dog Grass Root:

a. Soothes inflammation along the digestive tract

b. Fast (do not eat anything) for three hours before taking it, and fast for three hours after taking it

38. Elder berries and flowers:

a. Eat together to help fight the flu

b. Eat the first day, and the flu is normally cured three days afterwards

39. Eyebright:

a. Eat to treat eye swelling and blurred vision

40. Fennel Seeds:

a. Fights cramps

b. Eat in small doses

c. Not for pups because it can cause throat spasms.

41. Ferns:

a. Clean wounds out

42. Foxglove:

a. Cloves will force you to throw up if you've swallowed poison

b. Leaves are used on deep wounds to stop bleeding

43. Fringe Tree Bark:

a. Stimulates the appetite

44. Garlic

a. Gets rid of fleas

b. Can be dripped into wounds to stop infection

45. Grummet:

a. Chew and eat to help an upset stomach

46. Hawthorne Berries:

a. Treats indigestion

47. Heal All:

a. Treats many different major diseases

b. Must be used with extreme caution

48. Honeysuckle Flowers:

a. Treats skin inflammation

b. Chew and spit on the affected area

49. Ivy juices:

a. Calms you down

50. Jasmine Flowers:

a. Gentle treatment to skin irritation

b. Eat to reduce sensitivity to pain

c. It's a sedative

51. Licorice Root:

a. Helps against colds and coughs

52. Lovage roots and leaves:

a. A tonic, helps against stomach pains and indigestion

53. Mace:

a. Eaten to break up chest congestion

54. Mandrake root:

a. Induces vomiting after the intake of poison

55. Meadowsweet flowers:

a. Treats colds

b. Treats headaches

c. Treats coughs

56. Milkweed Juice:

a. Soothes wounds and treats infection

b. Do not use around the eyes

c. Poisonous if swallowed

57. Motherwort:

a. Calms a racing heart when caused by nervous tension

58. Neem Leaf:

a. Treats skin inflammation

59. Orris Root:

a. Treats throat inflammation

b. Only to be used when an experienced healer is present

60. Parsley Leaf:

a. A breath freshener

b. Best if used after Clover

61. Peathingy Flower Petals:

a. Helps clear clogged throats and nasal passages

62. Poison Ivy Leaves:

a. Used on cracked pawpads, but otherwise it's a poison

63. Red Clover Blossoms:

a. Speeds up the healing of wounds

64. Red Root:

a. Stops sniffling associated with colds and the flu

65. Reishi Mushrooms:

a. Are extremely rare and small, but can be used to treat many different illnesses

66. Rosehips:

a. Use in cases of malnutrition

67. Rosinweed:

a. After someone has thrown up, this is used to clean up the system

68. Sacred Bark:

a. Used for upset stomachs

69. Shock Roots:

a. Stimulates the nervous system

b. Use after someone has been knocked out, poisoned, suffered head trauma, or nearly drowned

70. Snakeroot:

a. Neutralizes poison

71. Snapdragon Seeds:

a. Cures Ringworm

b. Cures fleas

72. Stevia Leaf:

a. It's extremely sweet

b. Used to make other medicines taste better

73. Thinned-out Heather Down:

a. Used to help if a pup has indigestion

74. Turmeric Root:

a. Anti-inflammatory

75. Usnea:

a. Eat to help against throat and nose sores

76. Valerian Root:

a. Calms you down

77. Watercress:

a. Treats sore throats and clogged noses

78. White Oak Bark:

a. Treats bacterial and fungal infections

79. Wild Onion:

a. Roll in this to get poison out of rat bites

80. Windflower Shoots:

a. Use to help relieve stomach cramps

81. Yarrow:

a. Swallowed to expel poison via vomiting

82. Yucca Root:

a. Treats joint stiffness in elders

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