Advertise Here!! :D

This is THE ONLY place where you may advertise. If you post anywhere else I can guarantee you I will delete your comment, so be respectful of me and my site and don't spam all over the place (this includes advertising in the chat box on the home page). This rule also counts if you are a member of this site *glares at members sternly*. Now, if you want me to put up your link or if you want to be affiliates just ask me and I will put your link up. :D

Attention- Yes, these chatboxes/shoutboxes are different than those on freewebs, but they aren't so hard to use. Please notice that since these aren't the same boxes they don't work the same way. On freewebs, if you want to turn something into a link, you have to do that whole thing with the [] click here [/url] but on these boxes you can't do that. So please, just type the url of your site and your post will come out perfect. I already know that many of you aren't going to read this and you're going to look pretty stupid.

Add My Link-back to your site!!!!

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