Ever since the fire nothing has been the same...
The pack of Eternal Flame has been hopelessly split up after a massive forest fire wiped out their home. Now four separate packs, MoonPack, StarPack, WishPack and DreamPack, who will reunite them before they destroy each other in their quest for power?

Attention: When you join this site, you ACTUALLY HAVE TO ROLEPLAY. I don't count you as active if you're on all day chatting but you don't roleplay. That would defeat the purpose of the whole "roleplaying site" thing.

People that have been deleted: Moonhunter, Maria, Angel, Kenya, Instinct, Illusion, Infinity, Innocence, Void People in the danger zone for being deleted: Vampyre, Etherial, Charm, Avery, Flame, Hiru, Fang, Maverick, Carlos, Gamble, Wisher, Somer, Vrej, Rosalinda, Arrow, Chaos, Kisa


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Want to listen to music? Well that thinga-majigger above is soooo cool! All you do is type the name of your favorite band or artist and it gives you a WHOLE list of songs by them! So go ahead and enjoy! Or if you want, you can also listen to my playlist... and listen to the kind of music I like. Hehehehehehe. 

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Disclaimer- All of the graphics on this site were made by me, Mord/Rowan/Apocalyps/Buzzard/Amethyst you get the point. DO NOT STEAL! Any pictures that the members used for their characters do not belong to me but to their original owners... however I actually DID spice up a few of those too.. point is, don't take anything without permission or without giving credit. It's wrong to take other people's work and make it your own.

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